
Invoice Verification System

Unnamed European Telco

Big Data Platform deployed to continuously verify large quantities of invoice data and highlight data quality issues and billing errors

The Challenge

The client faced a significant challenge: millions of invoice lines were stored in an outdated legacy system plagued with functional and data-quality issues. The invoices came in various formats, making them difficult to analyze and, in turn, preventing clear insights into their accuracy.

Fixing or extending the existing system wasn’t a viable option. What the client needed was a fresh, innovative solution—one capable of streamlining the validation and analysis of millions of euros worth of invoices efficiently and effectively.

The Solution

We suggested the build of a new application, built on contemporary open-source data engineering methodologies.

  • A data lake to store all data in it's unadulterated format, as received from either external or internal systems.
  • A distributing processing engine, enabling processing of invoice and order data at scale and speed.
  • Configurable 'low code' rulesets to verify invoice data, and encourage exploration and then automation of potential accuracy issues.
  • Ephemeral higher order data stores for insight, that could be rebuilt as business logic complexity evolved.
  • A blazingly fast searchable database, enabling self serve of insight and metrics previously locked behind week-long analyst SLAs

The Outcome

The system is still in active development, but has already justified the development business case based on the accuracy of just one of the many reports it produces.

Accuracy of business critical data is governed, and potential billing errors are highlighted within minutes of new invoices arriving.

We continue to develop, extend and maintain the system.